How switching to organic loose leaf tea can help the environment


We thought we would kick off our blog series for 2021 by talking about the environmental benefits of switching to organic loose leaf tea. As, we want to address an issue that concerns us all – “What is my environmental footprint?”

Whether you are an individual, small business, large organisation or government body, no one is immune to the effects of climate change.

According to a recent study, nearly 70% of respondents said that they prefer sustainable brands and that it is important for companies and brands to be eco-friendly – and 57% said they are willing to change their purchasing habits to help reduce their environmental impact.

Just imagine if all 57% of people did exactly that!

This research went on to dive deeper into the importance of offering items tailored to meet consumers’ growing demands; products that are certified as organic, fresh, environmentally friendly, and socially inclusive.

And this is what we aim to do! We take pride in sourcing, roasting, blending and packaging our organic loose leaf tea, so you can expect:

Certified Organic Tea
100% Australian – Family owned & operated
Handmade & small batch
Environmentally friendly
Socially responsible in sourcing our ingredients
Sustainable Packaging
Organic loose-leaf tea only- no tea bag micro-plastics, land fill waste or chemicals.


Ethical tea that supports suppliers and communities


Our philosophy has always included sourcing our ingredients from ethical, organic, sustainable and like-minded suppliers who truly care about how we treat people and our environment.

That is why we partnered with the owners of a 16,000-hectare tea plantation in Sri Lanka, that employs 16,500 locals who are passionate about organic tea and its heritage and know exactly what is required from each tea leaf.

5% of the annual profit is then reinvested into the local community to build schools, houses and provide community health care. Tea Shop has always been committed to giving back to the communities that we are connected to.


Organic tea Australia – How we help customers reduce their footprint


You can easily reduce your footprint by drinking organic loose-leaf tea! By drinking our Tea Shop tea, you are already ahead of the curve; we only sell loose leaf tea, eliminating tea bag wastage, which is a big environmental concern.

Did you know that the average tea drinker will fill 13sqm per year in landfill just with used tea bags?

Diana Fox Carney, ( an economist, green guru and respected reviewer of eco-friendly products, recently posted about her “pet-hate” – the humble tea bag – saying, “Yes, they can be pretty, and convenient, but do we really need an extra 40cm squared of bleached and printed paper with every cup of tea?”

Elise Catterall, photographer, naturopath and writer for Planet Ark, asks, “if it’s time for us to bin the tea bag along with the plastic bag.”(

Forty-two percent of Australians buy tea each year. That’s a lot. It’s testament to the fact that tea is one of our most loved beverages. In fact, it has been reported that 25 billion tea bags are sold in Australia each year. That’s also a lot, especially when you stop to consider the fact that each of those tea bags comes along with its fair share of packaging and, possibly more alarmingly, contain plastic, which prevents them from being biodegradable and introduces more plastics into the environment.

Our Tea stick infusers – provide the perfect solution to the tea bag. Made from stainless steel, they are washable, reusable, and best of all you only buy the once! They also allow the leaf to expand while steeping, increasing the flavour profile of the tea. That’s a win win if you ask us.

Compost – is the best way to repurpose your old loose-leaf tea. Simply emptying the leaves into a garden or pot plant will have your plants loving life. Due to tea leaves being an organic matter, they can improve the structure of your soil, increasing soil drainage and help with healthy aeration for plant roots. They also help the soil retain its moisture and nutrients.
Are you ready to switch to organic loose tea?

Check out our organic tea