Introduction to tea

Did you know that as recently as 2016, the global tea industry has officially recognized and accepted six distinct types of tea:

  1. White
  2. Green
  3. Yellow
  4. Oolong
  5. Black
  6. PuerhThese tea categories represent a wide range of processing methods originating from various countries. Among them, yellow tea is the most recent addition and remains relatively unfamiliar and uncommon among tea enthusiasts.

Here are some interesting facts about white tea:

  1. Origin: White tea originated in China and has been cultivated for centuries. It was traditionally reserved for the imperial court and was highly valued for its rarity and delicate flavor.
  2. Minimal Processing: White tea is the least processed type of tea among all varieties of the camellia sinensis plant. It is made from the young leaves and buds, which are carefully handpicked before they fully open. The leaves are then naturally withered and dried, without undergoing any oxidation or rolling processes.
  3. Rich in Antioxidants: White tea is known for its high antioxidant content. Antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals, which are harmful compounds that can cause cellular damage and contribute to various health issues.
  4. Delicate Flavour Profile: White tea has a subtle and delicate flavour profile. It is often described as having floral, sweet, and slightly fruity notes. The flavour can vary depending on the specific variety and origin of the white tea.
  5. Health Benefits: Like other teas, white tea is associated with several potential health benefits. It is believed to support heart health, boost the immune system, promote skin health, and aid in weight management. However, it’s important to note that more research is needed to fully understand and confirm these benefits.
  6. Aging Potential: White tea has a unique characteristic that sets it apart from other teas—it can age and develop flavour over time. Similar to fine wines, certain varieties of white tea can be stored and aged under proper conditions, allowing the flavours to deepen and evolve, resulting in a more complex and refined taste.

These fascinating facts highlight the distinct qualities and allure of white tea, making it a cherished and sought-after beverage among tea enthusiasts worldwide.

Keep an eye out for additional captivating information about tea.